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# 1
Nachricht offline
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Dabei seit: 19.08.2012
3 Beiträge
Sry, den Comple-Log bekommt ihr natürlich noch ;)

** Executing...
** Command: "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrike" "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Aug 13 2012)
8 threads
materialPath: d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrikematerials
Loading d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.vmf
Could not locate 'GameData' key in d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrikegameinfo.txt
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (6)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (-290.0 -356.0 132.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs: Brush 197895:

Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...done (0)
Merging details...done (0)
done (0)
writing d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Brush 195621: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 9626: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 197081: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 43405: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 43401: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 43236: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 43232: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26683: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26676: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 48085: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 48092: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 50058: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 10020: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 10024: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 10345: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 10349: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 7165: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 7169: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 19592: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 19596: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 20041: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 20048: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 48700: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 48704: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 50140: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 50147: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 50513: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 50517: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 27748: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 27752: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 8914: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 8918: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 15339: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 15343: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 15390: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 15394: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 18845: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 18852: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22282: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22289: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22727: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22734: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 24871: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 24864: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 25608: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 25615: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 21448: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 21444: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22029: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 22033: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26082: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26086: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26117: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 26121: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 30042: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 30046: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 30480: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 30484: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 6050: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 6038: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 181310: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 181312: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 181531: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 181533: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 6649: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 6657: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182002: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182003: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182112: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182114: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182322: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182324: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182514: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182516: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182539: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182541: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182856: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 182858: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 184406: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 184408: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 184616: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 184618: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185014: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185016: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185081: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185083: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185118: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185120: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185155: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185157: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185879: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185881: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185962: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 185964: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 186006: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 186008: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187814: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187816: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187897: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187899: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187941: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187943: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187978: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 187980: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 189106: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 189108: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 189131: WARNING, microbrush
Brush 189133: WARNING, microbrush
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

** Executing...
** Command: "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvvis.exe"
** Parameters: -fast -game "d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrike" "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Aug 13 2012)
fastvis = true
8 threads
reading d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp
Error opening d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvrad.exe"
** Parameters: -bounce 2 -noextra -game "d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrike" "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Aug 13 2012)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[1 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp
Error opening d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "d:steamsteamappsmazedummysourcesdk_contentcstrikemapsrcfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp" "d:steamsteamappsmazedummycounter-strike sourcecstrikemapsfy_coast_city_backup2.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden."

Rot markierten Brush habe ich auch schon versucht zu ersetzten und neu zu machen, jedoch bekam ich dann die selbe Fehlermeldung wieder...
Ich als Anfänger weiß auch nicht viel in die Fehlermeldung hinein zu interpretieren...

Zu den Microbrushes: Wie behebt man die am Besten?
Einfach alle zu func_detail machen? oder wie sollte man da am Besten vorgehen?
20.08.2012, 04:01 Uhr Anzeigen

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